So, Schuh had our routine Christmas party and what a night it was. As you can see we were all dressed in toga's. I love the effort that was put in, and everyone was dressed up so we looked really effective all together! There were alot of bedsheets, alot of nippes and alot of alcohol. Not to mention the stupid amounts of food bought out by the wonderful staff at Varsity. I'm pretty sure they hate us all. It was a night of awards, drinking competitions, dancing, and more drinking competitions that resulted in me dowing a glass of wine through a plastic horn. Like you do.
There was sick, there were shots, there was more sick (on my foot) and there were more shots. Me and Becs got told to back of from the bar at one point. Always nice. So, after completely ruining Varsity and eating none of their food we headed onto the next destination which was Propaganda. From here on i don't remember alot. I stumbled into bed at just gone 4am, and set my alarm for 7am. I woke up and was nearly sick. Then i pulled clothes on and made my way to London to meet a rather lovely young man. Other than feeling like my body hated me, i had a good day Sunday. Strangely worth the journey, and the early start. I guess that's got to mean something right?
The moral of this story is...don't down wine. It gives you a headache the next day which sometime's isn't great when you're walking around centeral London. Got to love a Schuh night out. I ruin my life like every time, Brilliant.
•♣♪★♥ these are perfect •♣♪★♥