This week's been abit hectic with the whole run up to christmas. Work's been mega busy and i've not really stopped with the whole shopping thing! I'm well and truley BROKE now, and can't even afford to go for a christmas drink. Looks like i'll be sitting at home sipping wine wishing it was mulled!! I've managed to spend abit of time with Sherri too which was nice. It's kinder hard now with work, and i know it sounds silly because we work together but it's not the same! We hardly speak at work you'll all be shocked to know! (see, we are not joined at the hip!!)
I got to see Jackie in the week too which was so nice. We basically did nothing and just laid in bed watching dodgey youtube videos (as per). It's always nice having people back for Christmas, it feels sort of comforting knowing i've got everyone so close to me, like it's how it's meant to be. I'm sort of rambling now. Anyway, had a good old catch up and chin wag! Can't wait to see Lucy too, missed her un real amounts, like i swear i've only seen her once since i've been back from Sunny! Boo!! After xmas drinks are needed for us 3 before they both dissapear and leave me again. I'm thinking MOSH? We can ruin our lives, Jackie can pretend to be best mates with everyone and Lucy can speak to us as if she's got a fat lip or taken something naughty. (mega slurring!)
On Thursday night we all went out for a lovely meal for my nans 70th birthday. It was really really nice to see some of the family that i hardly get to spend any time with. It's quite funny how families all seem to come together at Christmas time more than any other time of year! I took a look at us all and thought how lucky i was. I've got all these people around me at such a magical time of year and i've never really appreciated it before (cheesy i know).
It's weird, all this talk about having my family so close and how lovely it is, makes me think twice as much as a certain someone that isn't about this year for christmas. I miss my cousin more than ever. I wish things were the same, and that we could all drink grandads 50 year old Southern Comfort over christmas dinner! I wish you'd awkwardly ask for mint sauce just as everyones sat down round the 4 people table and we'd all konk out watching a rubbishy film on the sofa after a feast. i don't think tomorrow you'll leave my mind! Don't worry, next year will make up for it! ♥
I've just about managed to get all my presents sorted and half wrapped up. I've just gotta find some paper from somewhere and i'll be done! I'm feeling quite excited now, i think this is the only time of year i get excited again like an actual child!! I've got my nans to go round later, which is tradition. Since i can remember we have been round every year without fail, for tree presents, and food :)
That's all for now anyway, i'll be back at work boxing day which i am NOT looking forward too. I hope everyone that reads has a beaut christmas, eats loads, drinks loads, gets everything they asked for, and has a nice day spending time with loved ones.
I personally can't wait to wake up and find Olly Murs in my stocking.
Much love and happiness! Merry Christmas! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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