So it has come to the end of yet another year. How strange is it how quickly it has flown by, but i guess people say that every year. I've stuck Oasis on and i'm here to go through my favourite year to date. 2011 has been good to me and i knew it would as soon as i saw it begin with my best friend, dancing to Mumford & Sons. I mean, what better way to start a year. Exactly!! For half the year i wasn't even home, i was having the time of my life in Bulgaria, which might sound random, but it really was amazing. I'm still the same, i think. Within myself i feel like what i want out of life, my hopes and dreams have not changed, if anything working away for a long time has only made me more open minded and gave me a better outlook on life. Life's too short to be spent at home, doing the same things, seeing the same people, having the same everyday routine, drinking the same coffee, having the same dinners and watching the same soaps. NO, i have plenty of time to do all this when i'm old and retired. Retired from what though is still a major question in my life. (See, i told you nothing's changed much!) I still have no clue what i'd like to do in the long run. I'd still like my vintage shop, but obviously i wouldn't know where to start and it all seems abit far away from anything realistic, but who knows!
I've left a job that i didn't love so much to go work away, and gone back into it 6 months later, and i think now i'm back to liking it again. Finally. It was the break i needed, i still have a love for Schuh. It's been good to me. In all honestly i couldn't really see myself working anywhere else. (Obviously a vintage shop??!??!) We're a good team, new and old and i couldn't imagine having as much as a laugh as i do there. For now, i'm happy at Schuh. (Key words = For now!)
This year i've felt emotions that i've never had to put myself through. I've missed my family more than i ever thought was possible. Sometimes in Bulgaria they're all i wanted. I've lost members of my family (not by death by the way!!) who i thought would be around for ever, it feels like i've lost what was once a good friend to distance, lack of communication, or something more pathetic, and i've gained a whole load of new ones from all parts of the world. If nothing else, i have Bulgaria to thank for that.
This year i've definitely not seen enough of my old friends. I missed Jackie and Lucy so much when i was away, i still do now. Good friendship isn't based on how much you see each other, it's about when you do, nothing's changed. Yep, i met loads of people when i was away, but nothing came close to seeing them again. They sort of make up this big list of little things that define 'home' for me.
I've grown alot closer too my brother. It's weird how much something can change in such a short space of time, and how something like a major breakup can bring families together. I've always looked upto my brother, and i just want him to be happy. As long as it took to get my head round what happened when i got back from Bulg, i could finally see that it was for the best. I don't think i've ever seen him this happy, and i'm pretty sure i've gained a new good friend who can make me laugh like we've known each other years. All abit quick, but i know what it's like..If it feels right, and good then why not. Alex, welcome to the family!
Talking about growing closer to people, i now appreciate my mum so much more. I'm happy to be in her company whenever the time is. 6 months is too long to be away from your mum.
I've had so many good memories from this past year, which made a change from last year! Some of my favourite moments of 2011....
TIESTO at Caciao Beach. The sun rising up from the mountains over the sea, my summer family by my side as i ty my hardest not to fall over from trying to dance on sand, with a 5 lev beer in my hand and the warmth on my face as a crowd of a few thousand moved with me to the sweet sound of watch the sun come up by example. Ultimate happiness.
OUR leaving do. Having everyone you know and love in one room, with a dancefloor and alcohol. What could be better? (oh, maybe if my rents were there!...still bitter about that! ha)
A NIGHT in Skeggy....I'll say no more, ask Sherri for full details! HAHAHAHA, what happens in Skeg stays in Skeg ;)
SEEING Billy Elliot. Yes, it was one of the highlights of my year so what. I'll see it again next year!!!
A WEEKEND in London. Probably one of my favourite weekends ever actually. It was actually amazing to see a few people i hadn't seen since Sunny Beach. Villi was here, in England. I had Tom and McLovin back, John was about, and me and Sherri were just confused at why we were in Essex. This was the first time i met Corkie too, not to get all serious or jinx anything but i guess he's part of my year, it's only early days, but never the less, he's still there, and that deserves a mention. But anyway, this weekend was everybit amazing. If i could, i'd do it all again.
GETTING jobs in Sunny Beach. HA, to anybody that doubted us! We made it, and have just secured a job working for the best club out there (not bias or anything!). Cheers to a summer of alcoholism and bad flirting.
MY first mosh experience after coming home. I was with Jackie, and i hadn't drank proper alcohol in half a year. Needless to say i got wasted (on mosh vodka?), and it was SO good to hear some mosh classics and bump into half of Leicester. (I'm pretty sure this can only happen once a year...the bumping into half of Leicester/drinking dirty vodka and actually LOVING it)
COMING HOME. Nothing, i repeat nothing will ever beat the feeling of landing in England (even if we were in Manchester and had no idea of how we were gunna get home). The surprise of coming home was massive. Nobody knew which made it amazing. Seeing my lovely, beautiful home for the first time, smelling it, seeing Spud, hugging my brother, and surprising my parents up tesco (of all places!). Brilliant. Everything was surreal for the first couple of days i got back. I was literally so happy. I'll always remember this, and feel a sense of warmth when i think back to my mums face when she first saw me!
Alice Dobson, Leanne Richardson, Tom Keane, Stuart Woodroofe, John Billson,Villi Hristova, and a whole load of other people from SB have made my year. (way too many to name)
A few special newbies from Schuh, James Hornsby & Becs Heatherley. A few special old ones from Schuh, Lynn Foster, Richard Hunter, Ashlee Monteith, Katy Perry, Cara Walsh & Piers Comerford.
My joint best friends, Jackie Bloor & Lucy Neville.
My wonderful family, Wendy Fletcher, Dave Fletcher, Christopher Fletcher, Alex Deacon, my lovely Nan, Hannah Victory, Thomas Victory and everyone else that was pleased to see me when i got home.
My best friend, Sherri McMullan.
You have all made my year, the best one yet. Here's to next year!
Peace and Happiness to all!! x
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