Sunday, 11 December 2011


I'm meant to be doing that questionnaire thing that's abit further down on my page but actually can't be bothered to do some of the questions. For example, the next one to do is 'something you feel strongly about'..How long have you got? For one, i can't even think of a subject that i can write anything half decent about, and two i'd rather pick an easier question to start with.
I've not wrote anything on here in a while and it's mainly because i've not really been doing alot. Apart from working and christmas shopping i've been rushing home to change into something alot more comfortable and climb into bed to get warm (and i wonder why i'm single!?). Christmas is just round the corner, and with the decorations and tree going up i can't help but get excited. Christmas is probably one of my favourite times of the year, and being such a close knit family it's a time where the fake smiles come out and the thankyou's for that same jumper you get year in and year out. I love it. Anyway, this is a example of me going off track with the reason i blogged in the first place..okay so the next question i'll answer is..'things you want to say to an ex'..

Okay so, me and my ex split up on sorter good terms. At first it was hard, obviously it is for everyone when you just come out of a relationship, but with time things became easier and easier and i think that we have learnt to be better friends than anything. We had some laughs, we had tears, and fall outs but i guess that was only healthy. It's nice that we can still meet up, chat about things like we used too, and for it to be compeltely harmless. I'm actually really content with us at the minute, there's not many split up couples that can say that. You know me well, and i hope you can find someone that makes you as happy as i did ;) haha! (god i'm funny). I also know that you'd want the exact same thing for me. Much love Joe! x

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