I have no talent as such, i can't play any instrument, i can't sing, i can't dance, i can't act, i can't really do anything that i would class as talent. But what is talent? I can name a few things i'm good at if that counts? Maybe not, but it's better to be good at something than bad at something because it makes you feel better on the inside. This makes sense to me. Not so much to you i'm guessing.
So here's a few things i'm good at, or like to think i am.
I'm an excellent listener.
I'm a good talker, good with people of all ages as i have to be because of my job. That makes me sound like some amazing doctor or something, i'm not. I'm a sales assistant, but if i can't talk to the customers, it means i'm shit at my job, and i like to think i'm good at my job, meaning i'm a good talker. See, i'm rambling.
Taking a photograph. I like to think i've got an eye for photography. You might not, but i'm proud of some of my work so thats all that matters.
I'm good with meeting new people, it excites me rather than makes me feel nervous and uncomfortable. Even though i can't be myself. Lets be fair, if we were all ourselves round someone we had met for the first time, everyone would be freaked out, well, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing. It might even attract people to each other more. But yeah, i'm only myself around selected few, but i like to meet new people to see if they can be within that selected few. Many don't make it there.
Analysing film. I do it without realising. It annoys some people.
Making plans. I'm amazing at it. I currently have about 50 thousand plans swimming round in my head. Doing them is another story and would be something that would come on the "list of things i'm bad at" if i was to ever do one of them lists.
That will do. I'm pretty sure i have a hidden talent though. Maybe i should get out the house more...
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