Havn't wrote on this in a bit . Currently sat in bed listening to Lily Allen , it's good times . Had a pretty good week overall , worked alot , covered Jamies full time hours monday - friday . Left me feeling slightly dead , and very tired but the money will be happy days . Been 19 for a week and a day now , seems ages ago since my birthday ! Not really had a chance to do much this week due to work but will catch up on all that stuff next week as i've got a couple of days off . Work jsut isn't the same anymore , still love all the people there , but it seems one by one everyones leaving , and i'm not happy with the people that have left . The banter just isn't the same , but oh well , i guess this would be the same anywhere . It just doesn't get me as happy to work there anymore . Today should be good , seeing Joe and going to the vintage fair in town , hopefully get some bargains as i'm pretty much skint once again . Think i went a bit too mental this month with the clothes , i've still got unworn goods in my wardrobe ! That never happens ! Seem to have everything i need in life right now . Was very spoilt for my birthday and i'm gratefull for that . My birthday night out was a good one too , nice to have the brother out ! Even if we did get spilt up for half the night , it was nice to have everyone under one roof for even a bit . Hopefully this week should be good , seeing more of Hannah , probably nip up college to sort things out , see a couple of people and work abit too .
ANYWAY, thats all . I'm rubbish at blogging atm . Apologies xx
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