Saturday, 12 November 2011


Neglecting the blog once again, i'm sorry! I've got some good things to look forward to within the next few days which is making life a little easier. I love having something to look forward too, as i've always said, it makes waking up a more happier thing to do, knowing you're one day closer to something. ANYWAY. Without repeating myself once again, i'll give you a quick update of what i've been upto.. I worked last Saturday which was a first time in a long while. I didn't actually mind what so ever. A weekend compared to a week day at schuh is completely different. In the week you're always busy doing something, even if the shops completely dead there's always cleaning to be done, on a Saturday however, it's all about serving. No jobs get done as you're always running around like a headless chicken. I liked Saturday; good banter with people that i don't normally get too work with and the day actually flew by. We all had a night out Saturday night too which gave us something to work for. we all went Propaganda for the first time since we got back. Thanks to James having a birthday we managed to get in free too. Thanks Propaganda birthday guest list!! We danced alot, and i mean alot. It was so good to see a few old familiar faces too. I'm talking people i've not seen in a good 3 years! Katy Pez was out, Sherri was out (standard) and TLeaf was out. Also James (obviously) and all his friends, which we automaticially became bessies with due to the high bulmers intake we were all going through! Good times. The following Sunday was spent in bed sleeping my life away, drinking endless cups of tea and looking forward to Towie that night. Hardly a productive Sunday, but who has productive Sunday's these days anyway?
Randomly, Alice came to visit us on Tuesday. It was so exciting to go and wait for her at the train station! It was really surreal that she was here actually. After spending all summer with someone in Bulgaria and going to nothing for a good few weeks, too Alice just chilling in your local. It was all very weird but really really good to catch up on all the latest/find out more gossip about who slept with who towards the end of Sunny Beach. It was an interesting chat to say the least resulting in scarring a few families and big parties of 8 not to come anywhere near us. I suppose it would have been illegal not to take Alice out since she was here for the first and last time before she leaves us and goes to Thailand on Monday (jealous doesn't cut it). We typically went to mosh which was actually pretty packed. Not so packed that it took forever to get drinks or whatever though. Saw some old faces once again. Standard for mosh. Got drunk on shots and alcopops, and we all ended up in the chippy next door chatting to Sherris mate Worm, (i have no idea) trying to drag Sherri away from overly touchy feely males that had also had one too many! We dropped Sherri home, in which we watched her about fall over as she made her way to her front door (we drove off and hoped for the best we really did), and then me and Alice got in and fell into bed. I had work the next day much to my disgust and left Alice and Sherri to be hungover and delicate. We had a nice flying visit from Dan though! Strange how he only lives in Nottingham but still we hadn't met up or seen him. We all went Nandos and caught up once again about the last remaining few days in Sunny Beach. It's surprising the things you miss when you're not all living on the same street for 5 months. So much gossip left over there i swear!! That night me and Alice died in bed watching youtube videos and the last episode of Towie. A good chilling night actually and we both felt fresh as daisys the next day. I wasn't able to go to Brid with Alice and Sherri which really annoyed me. I would have loved to have randomly joined them for the trip but lack of funds were not doing me any favours. When she gets home from Thailand i'll be waiting at their front door for them i swear!! I wanna go hang out at the seaside. I wanna Brid card and i wanna see Leanne and George! Booo. It's pretty weird thinking that, depending on when Alice decides to come home, i'll more than likely next be seeing her in Sunny Beach next time. Proper weird! It seems so long away, but like she said, spending 6 months in Thailand is a pretty handy way to kill some time. Jell!!
So Alice had gone and i was left with a week and one day off work! Thinking how weird it was when she was here is nothing really compared to how it's gunna be when Villi gets here on Monday. I'm so, so excited and even when i found out she was in London i ran around my house screaming 'VILLI'S IN ENGLAND'. So, she spends her first few days down in Plymouth with my good friend John and then she comes to Leicester for a week. I mean, a Bulgarian comes too England and one of her choices of destination in Leicester. Leicester, i mean it's hardly got much to offer but whatever! I don't care, we'll find something to do even if we're getting drunk handing out leaflets all day (yes please?) . I'm not really sure what we're gunna do, hoping a trip somewhere else for the day, even if it's somewhere close by? Maybe a cinema trip and a couple of drinking sessions. It's the most exciting thing ever!! I also can't wait to go London next weekend too. A mini reunion with McLovin and Tom, i think even Amy is gunna show her face!! Coach all booked too so i'm staying for the whole weekend. Still not got a place to stay for sure Saturday night but i'm not too worried. I've got Cortez if i don't get a hotel. i don't think i can worry about anything know, knowing Villi made her way all the way to plymouth from london, after a flight from Bulgaria all on her own! Very proud of her!
So that's basically my update! Lots too look forward too, lots to do and a week of work. Good times i think! Much love. xxx

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