I guess it's quite nice to wake up and not feel hungover! I had a lovely catch up with Lucy last night. It was so good to see her, but i guess its a horrible thought not seeing her for a few weeks now. Easter will be the next reunion which should be nice if Jackies home too. A pancake challange is definately on the cards. Todays Saturday, and so far i've had a pretty mental dream involving a big mansion as a boarding school, Chris from skins, Sherri, matresses on the floor and lots of drugs. What a weird thing to dream! I've also made breakfast, and watched some great tv on e4. Lovely. I'm still not dressed and don't really plan on getting dressed. It's my day off work though so please don't judge me. A night out tonight could have been on the cards. Sherri's off to mosh, which i'm very jealous about. I would happily go, it's just living so far out i can't afford to pay out a tenner to get home! Rubbish. I really could have had a night dancing the night away to some classic mosh tunes. It's been ages! Might just sit in my room and finish this bottle of sidekick i've got left from my birthday! Haha, happy Saturday x
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