1. My middle name is Leanne. I have no thoughts and feelings about it, it could be worse.
2. I have my ears pierced, once and a tattoo on my wrist of a swallow. I still love it and want another one soon!
3. My favourite tv programme is misfits, the apprentice, or friends. Standard.
4. My closest friends? ...are not very close at all, Ones at Liverpool, ones at Sheffield...and luckily the other one is in Braunstone :)
5. My favourite colours are duck egg blue, pastal green, and pink. Haha soz specific.
6. I like winter because everythings prettier.
7. I can't remember how i came across tumblr, i don't like it that much but have it anyway. I prefer this one because i think you can be more creative with it. It's not changed my life. http://anauthenticproduct.tumblr.com/
8. I'm not a fitness freak, but i'm not a couch potato. Some days i can spend all day in bed and others I'll go gym for a couple of hours. Quite a good balance.
9. Whats a meme?
10. I have a dog, and i love him lots. He's literally my favourite thing. I think i'll always want a dog, when i move out because i've grown up with them. It would be weird to have an empty house.
11. Top 3 favourite bands. Goddddd. Hardest question ever, Its between; bloc party, mumford & sons, arctic monkeys, the smiths, take that, lightspeed champion, kasabian. Not many then.
12. I love Harry Potter. I've grown up with it, read all the books, seen all the films. The films always seem to dissapoint me in comparison to the books but the latest film out was one of the best things i've ever seen!
13. Mean girls? Everyone loves it and i don't know why.
14. I have an older brother, he's 24. One of the main reason i enjoy christmas so much is because he comes home for the day. It's nice to have the family together.
15. My favourite junk food is pizza. Without a doubt.
16. The best disney princess film is Beauty and the Beast!!! - mainly because i like the soundtrack the most.
17. Ugg boots are over priced slippers. If i didn't work at a shoe shop i wouldn't have any opinion. People actually go crazy at christmas time for them.
18. No but i drink too many energy drinks. One a day is not good for your kidneys.
19. Initials of my crush! haha that sounds abit year 7 like doesn't it... and no you''re not getting the initials anyway.
20. I do not wear glasses. Even though i can't see sometimes. I don't know either.
21. My favourite subject at school was always something arty. I hated maths with a passion because i was shit at it, but i liked doing ceramics and woodwork at high school, in post 16, film studies always interested me alot.
22. I don't play a sport. I don't watch sport. I just go gym. Other hobbies? going out? soz.
23. I like Lady GAGA. She's done really well for herself. I think she thinks shes some sort of michael jackson though.
24. Harry Potter 7- part 1. Was the last film i saw at the cinema. I went with my cousin and Liam. I was transfixed throughout the whole thing and cried alot when Dobby died.
25. I'm reading a book at the minute called witches and wizards. It's a kids book but actually really good. I got it free aswell so everyone's a winner.
26. I'd love to visit New York, and i will.
27. I haven't really thought about girls, boys and pets names that much actually. I like the name Harry. (nothing to do with Harry Potter by the way)
28. My first celebrity crush was either Brendan Frasier, or Tobey Maguire. Haha. Fit... really fit.
29. I've not ever watched any Glee. Everyone loves it though. Am i missing out?

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