Monday, 16 August 2010


Not really sure why i've not been in the mood to update this. I'd like to say i've had better things to do, but that wouldn't be true. I suppose i've done quite alot in the past week. Went out in Walsall with Jackie Lucy, Jay and Joel and a few of there mates thursday. Made a nice change from going out in Leicester. Always nice to meet a few new people too. Jackie and Joel being official makes me and Lucy the last singletons. Great! I'm not all that bothered to be fair. Guess i'm missing the male company abit but who needs that when you have Lucy! This weekend was spent in London. Really badly organised but the show made up for it. You probably guessed, Billy Eliott. No lie when i say it was probably the best thing i've ever seen! Havent stopped listening to the sound track since i've been back. Think this is something i need in my cd collection. So the sunday we got to go shopping. Having hardly no time to do this we stayed on oxford street. Standard right?.. Bought a coat, trainers and a hoody. Nothing amazing! Of all places, got my shoes from schuh. Thought i'd check it out to see what little Leicester is up against! Everyone in there seemed run off there feet so didn't really get to chat to anyone but got my lovely 40% off and i was out of there. Like i said, really badly organised, and i think next time we will do it very differently and probably alot cheaper. But the show really did just make up for it all, especially as we had wicked seats. Being there made me determined to live there one day. It will happen. Thats all i have to report really. I don't want to read this back because its messy and it probably doesnt sound how i would have liked to have but oh well. Not really got any inspiration lately. Just taking every day as it comes waiting for something to happen. Waiting for a phone call, a text, to win the lottery, to bump into someone, to have something exciting to look forward too. This never happens anymore. Sorry i've been rubbish on here. I'll try and update more frequently, even if it is just pointless rambling. Like this. Right now. Okay, i'll stop before you all fall asleep.
brb just listening to elton john.

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