Thursday, 30 December 2010
So tomorrows the last day of 2010. Crazy. When i think back to what i've done over this past year i cringe. Fuck all has happened which makes me think what a waste? The year has flown to be fair, and i guess i've came out the other side with all my family close, all my friends (well, most), and i have my health, my job, and i guess i'm happier than i was this time last year. As far as boys are concerned, i'm happy to be single still. It's alot more fun i think! I guess i needed this year though, to think about what i properly want, to make a plan of action and to decide where i'm heading. So, that..i guess this has been my year in. If that makes any sense..sort of like a night in, where you get an early night and catch up on sleep. That's what i've done. I've stopped for a minute, and i'm actually saving money ready for 2011's big plans. I'm so excited, i'll be spending the most of next year with my best friends! Also, who knows.. i might just find my perfect man along my travels. 2010, you have been good to me! But 2011, you best be ready!! Roll on the new year.x
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
I remember when i was little and christmas eve was the worst nights sleep i'd get. I'd get so excited that i was almost sick, i'd scream, i'd lie awake for hours listening my hardest hoping to hear santa and his raindeer, and then when i finally did fall sleep, i'd wake up about 6am and wait until the reasonable hour of 7am came round, run into my brothers room and it felt like the happiest feeling in the world. Christmas isn't magic anymore, I'm looking forward to Christmas purely for the day off, the sleep in i'll get and the spending it with my family. I get my brother back for the day which will be nice, but there's something not quite the same. You just can't beat christmas when there's kids around i suppose! I think it's because they actually do believe more than anything that the magic is actually real.
2 Days to go ♥
2 Days to go ♥
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
just a quick one!
I've not posted anything proper in a while. I could blatently lie and say that i've been really busy but truthfully i've just had nothing of interest to say! I don't wanna bore you all to death! The countdown to Christmas is quicker than ever this year i think, i can't believe its just over a week away! I've done all my shopping, and everythings wrapped up. Just need to get my Dad a birthday card and write a few more cards. Boring! There's something about christmas that i love and somethings that i hate. I love the whole concept of spending it with family and bringing people closer, but the run up, I actually hate with a passion. Business' are all about the money, money, money and i think since working in retail i've really seen a different side to the whole festive season. Like i said though, i'm looking forward to spending it with family and friends that are home from uni and just eating whatever i want before going on the biggest diet of my life ready for the summer 2011. I'm missing my babes, but I can't wait for some hard drinking sessions when they get back to Leicester. It makes me happy however, the amount of time i've spent with Sherri, and how close we have actualy become in the space of what? a few months? It's all good, it makes work bearable considering a few recent changes. There is only a handful of people that keep me in that job! Plus the fact i'll be leaving within the next 6 months. Anyway, i have work tomorrow, shockingly. I best get some sleep as before i know it my alarm will be ringing and it's time to start another day. Roll on the weekend where i'll be getting ridiculously drunk at Sherri's house hanging out with a load of youths. (Realistically i'm still a youth at heart) I get to see Jackie and Fox too. LOVELY :)
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Monday, 6 December 2010
Born in the wrong era.
Okay so i watched nowhere boy again last night, and i think i'm gunna put it out could be one of my favourite films.
He's a clip from it, (one of my favourite) and then the original song after. A-maz-ing. Big love for Lennon!
He's a clip from it, (one of my favourite) and then the original song after. A-maz-ing. Big love for Lennon!
Saturday, 4 December 2010

1. My middle name is Leanne. I have no thoughts and feelings about it, it could be worse.
2. I have my ears pierced, once and a tattoo on my wrist of a swallow. I still love it and want another one soon!
3. My favourite tv programme is misfits, the apprentice, or friends. Standard.
4. My closest friends? ...are not very close at all, Ones at Liverpool, ones at Sheffield...and luckily the other one is in Braunstone :)
5. My favourite colours are duck egg blue, pastal green, and pink. Haha soz specific.
6. I like winter because everythings prettier.
7. I can't remember how i came across tumblr, i don't like it that much but have it anyway. I prefer this one because i think you can be more creative with it. It's not changed my life.
8. I'm not a fitness freak, but i'm not a couch potato. Some days i can spend all day in bed and others I'll go gym for a couple of hours. Quite a good balance.
9. Whats a meme?
10. I have a dog, and i love him lots. He's literally my favourite thing. I think i'll always want a dog, when i move out because i've grown up with them. It would be weird to have an empty house.
11. Top 3 favourite bands. Goddddd. Hardest question ever, Its between; bloc party, mumford & sons, arctic monkeys, the smiths, take that, lightspeed champion, kasabian. Not many then.
12. I love Harry Potter. I've grown up with it, read all the books, seen all the films. The films always seem to dissapoint me in comparison to the books but the latest film out was one of the best things i've ever seen!
13. Mean girls? Everyone loves it and i don't know why.
14. I have an older brother, he's 24. One of the main reason i enjoy christmas so much is because he comes home for the day. It's nice to have the family together.
15. My favourite junk food is pizza. Without a doubt.
16. The best disney princess film is Beauty and the Beast!!! - mainly because i like the soundtrack the most.
17. Ugg boots are over priced slippers. If i didn't work at a shoe shop i wouldn't have any opinion. People actually go crazy at christmas time for them.
18. No but i drink too many energy drinks. One a day is not good for your kidneys.
19. Initials of my crush! haha that sounds abit year 7 like doesn't it... and no you''re not getting the initials anyway.
20. I do not wear glasses. Even though i can't see sometimes. I don't know either.
21. My favourite subject at school was always something arty. I hated maths with a passion because i was shit at it, but i liked doing ceramics and woodwork at high school, in post 16, film studies always interested me alot.
22. I don't play a sport. I don't watch sport. I just go gym. Other hobbies? going out? soz.
23. I like Lady GAGA. She's done really well for herself. I think she thinks shes some sort of michael jackson though.
24. Harry Potter 7- part 1. Was the last film i saw at the cinema. I went with my cousin and Liam. I was transfixed throughout the whole thing and cried alot when Dobby died.
25. I'm reading a book at the minute called witches and wizards. It's a kids book but actually really good. I got it free aswell so everyone's a winner.
26. I'd love to visit New York, and i will.
27. I haven't really thought about girls, boys and pets names that much actually. I like the name Harry. (nothing to do with Harry Potter by the way)
28. My first celebrity crush was either Brendan Frasier, or Tobey Maguire. Haha. Fit... really fit.
29. I've not ever watched any Glee. Everyone loves it though. Am i missing out?

Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Monday, 29 November 2010

I had a lovely weekend. It was spent with my favourite schuh people, drinking home made cocktails, playing guitar hero, wii, falling over, cuddling, laughing, eating, playing with the cutest kittens and talking, and that was only Saturday night! Sunday i found myself with a sore head, nearly falling asleep through the staff meeting and laughing at inappropiate times. I don't really see why i have to go to them considering we go over the same thing every time. I hope everyones good today. I had work, it was nice. Abit annoyed that work seemed to have cut my hours quite dramatically. Shall be having words with my manager tomorrow about that! Not alot going off this week, everyones seems to be looking forward to Saturday night! A free meal and a whole lot of drinks why shouldn't they! We played christmas songs for the first time at work today. It was lovely... I'm sure in 3 weeks i won't be saying the same thing after they have it literally on repeat. Anyway.. off for some dinner. xxx
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Friday, 26 November 2010
Sunday, 21 November 2010
i honestly am dreading tomorrow at work. In all my 2 years, i've never dreaded going in. But tomorrow i feel like i want to ring in sick/not turn up or something. Maybe i'm over reacting but i think i can find a few others that share this feeling. Everythings abit slow at the minute. I've got nothing to look forward too and i guess i'm getting bored. I get bored so easily. Christmas is full steam ahead now, and with only about 5 weeks to go, i ought to get shopping. I'm quite lucky i suppose. I have friends who are easy to buy for, my mum also. It's just my brother and dad. With dads birthday being on christmas day, i need to pull out a double wammy on the present front. Brother is the hardest person to buy for too. The boy that has everything! I'm sure i'll find him a tshirt or something. Sure the lovely wellgosh boys will help me out again! My weekends been quite nice, Saturday me, sherri and the rents went shopping in Nottingham. Even though not much shopping happened.. we did go for a nice pub lunch and have a nice wander drinking hot chocolate with marshmellows. Everything seemed very festive and i treated myself to some perchases. Today was spent at the pub again, pub lunch, drinks, and cheesecake. The christmas lights in town were turned on today aswell so me Sherri and Ashlee went too town hall square to see what was cracking. A 10 quid taxi ride later and i got home and crashed in front of the fire watching bad tv talking to Dom when facebook chat stopped being a slag.
As christmas is nearing, i can't help but look back on what i've done this past year. The horrible thing is, not much at all. I don't even want to look back at the list i made to see what i've not completed. At least i've realised this now right, and still got a couple of months to change things before i'm going into 2011 with nothing achieved. I'm not really excited for christmas, i think work kills it. Like, i remember finishing school for 2 weeks and it being the best feeling. Maybe i should become a teacher just for the holidays? Retail kills the whole experience, but i know its exactly the same for alot of other people. Give it a couple of weeks and i might be feeling it abit more. I like having my friends and family close, and getting to see my brother alot of the christmas period. It makes me realise how lucky i am to have such a big and loving family. So yeah, christmas.. work or no work.. is always abit of an eye opener especially as people seem to forget throughout the rest of the year.
2011 will be a big year. You have my word! x
As christmas is nearing, i can't help but look back on what i've done this past year. The horrible thing is, not much at all. I don't even want to look back at the list i made to see what i've not completed. At least i've realised this now right, and still got a couple of months to change things before i'm going into 2011 with nothing achieved. I'm not really excited for christmas, i think work kills it. Like, i remember finishing school for 2 weeks and it being the best feeling. Maybe i should become a teacher just for the holidays? Retail kills the whole experience, but i know its exactly the same for alot of other people. Give it a couple of weeks and i might be feeling it abit more. I like having my friends and family close, and getting to see my brother alot of the christmas period. It makes me realise how lucky i am to have such a big and loving family. So yeah, christmas.. work or no work.. is always abit of an eye opener especially as people seem to forget throughout the rest of the year.
2011 will be a big year. You have my word! x
Friday, 19 November 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Monday, 15 November 2010
oh hi winter.

Well this weekend was pretty good. Saturday night i got way too drunk after drinking far too much wine, champers, and vodka. A lovely mix then! I loved the people that came out, a nice mix of Jackie, Sherri, Work people and boy. Only spent 20 quid too, unless i drew more money out and don't remember. Safe to say i won't be getting a recept when i draw money out from now on. Having Jackie home makes me excited for christmas, having her 20 minutes away is a lovely thought. Only one week left until the dreaded day at work. (Sherri understands) lets make the most of this week though i reckon. The mornings are starting to get bloody freezing, and i'm wearing more and more layers for bed plus a hot water bottle. Winters finally here, and as much as i might moan about the cold i actually really enjoy wrapping up and coming home after a day of work with the fire on full and getting changed into comfies. Does that make me sound really gay? Soz. This post was really pointless but i feel like i'm not updating it enough these days. I'm still happy so thats all you lot really need to know. Off too get some dinner and make one of those 5 minute mug cake things for after. So much for that diet. Hello gym tomorrow .../not.
Friday, 12 November 2010
friday love
This week has been good. I'm happy. Jackies home, which even though i've not seen her yet, gives me the warmest most comforting feeling. Tomorrow night will be lovely lovely. Spending it with my favourite people, dancing in a silly way in mosh. Works good, moneys okay, i get a lie in tomorrow morning, and i'm going shopping for pretty dresses tomorrow. My only complaint? my heart hurts. Too many energy drinks. I need to cut down, AND i miss my other babe ♥

Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Haven't done a blog in a while. So here goes. I suppose i should start by giving you a run down of the latest events that has happened recently but i really can't remember so i'll just say whay ever comes to mind. This weekend was lovely/not. Lovely to see Jackie and Becca on her birthday, not to not see Lucy and the later events that happened on the day i was meant to be coming home. I say meant to be coming home, like i didn't make it home. I did, safe and sound but 40 quid short and not getting in home until about half 10 at night. The whole weekend was abit of an anti climax, and i hope things get resolved soon because i can't stand all this, especially when it comes from someone else, someone i couldn't care less about. Like i said though, seeing Jackie was lovely and it was just nice to get away from Leicester and see some different places and people. We went to a big fireworks display on the friday night which was probably one of the best i've ever seen. Everything was pretty perfect there was just one thing missing, or should i say person. I wish Lucy was there to do the we no speak americano dance and then everything would have been lovely.
Works going okay at the minute, starting to get busy with the run upto christmas, apart from today where we were all stood doing nothing. I can't really complain though, i get to work with one of my best friends and a couple of other special ones so it could be worse. I managed to get my first christmas present today, which made me feel very organised and prepared. I also managed to transfer abit of money into my savings account too which was nice.
The next few weeks are looking to be quite full. With a couple of big nights out planned i'm sure i'll be giving this months wages abit of a beating with two new outfits for them. Sorry bank account. A hair cut is needed, still undecided whether to cut it all off, leave it too grow, get it 'cut to grow' (whatever that means!). I'll probably decide on the day like usual. A pub quiz??????? Somehow thats got thrown into the mix by me and sherri. The idea of a sunday pubquiz in comfys after a night out does seem quite appealing don't you think? JACKIES COMING BACK. Saturday, mosh. Need i say more? Apparently theres a more obvious reason to get excited for saturday too. Can't think why? I'm too funny. Family shopping trip to Nottingham next saturday, with Sherri. Cute. Harry Potter Friday with my cousin. Yes, my tickets are already booked. Christmas do... Ah the list goes on. I'm having a laugh these days. I'm pretty content, and happy.. Thats all that matters right?
I have no inspiration/can't be bothered to write anything else. I'm sorry for being rubbish, i'm probably just over tired. Until next time xxx
Works going okay at the minute, starting to get busy with the run upto christmas, apart from today where we were all stood doing nothing. I can't really complain though, i get to work with one of my best friends and a couple of other special ones so it could be worse. I managed to get my first christmas present today, which made me feel very organised and prepared. I also managed to transfer abit of money into my savings account too which was nice.
The next few weeks are looking to be quite full. With a couple of big nights out planned i'm sure i'll be giving this months wages abit of a beating with two new outfits for them. Sorry bank account. A hair cut is needed, still undecided whether to cut it all off, leave it too grow, get it 'cut to grow' (whatever that means!). I'll probably decide on the day like usual. A pub quiz??????? Somehow thats got thrown into the mix by me and sherri. The idea of a sunday pubquiz in comfys after a night out does seem quite appealing don't you think? JACKIES COMING BACK. Saturday, mosh. Need i say more? Apparently theres a more obvious reason to get excited for saturday too. Can't think why? I'm too funny. Family shopping trip to Nottingham next saturday, with Sherri. Cute. Harry Potter Friday with my cousin. Yes, my tickets are already booked. Christmas do... Ah the list goes on. I'm having a laugh these days. I'm pretty content, and happy.. Thats all that matters right?
I have no inspiration/can't be bothered to write anything else. I'm sorry for being rubbish, i'm probably just over tired. Until next time xxx
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Monday, 1 November 2010
Just lately i've found that when i go to sleep i get to that mid way sleep-awake stage and i can't help but feel like i'm falling. I jolt fully awake shaking and clinging to something. I've also found that i can't go a full night without having nightmares, and waking myself up around 5am and just lying staring into nothingness. I wonder whats to blame for all this? I guess i'm just not content about something and it's being highlighted through the way that i unwind the best; sleeping. Lets hope tonight is better and i solve whatevers putting me on edge soon ♥
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
I've had a horrible day at work, so because i like writing lists... here's a list of a few things that kept me sane today.
- Maccabees in the stockroom
- Hugs from Chris throughout the day (i know you will love this mention)
- Cara!!!
- Knowing that its nearly Friday (sort of)
I'm off to have food and a bath. Maybe at the same time. Don't judge me.
- Maccabees in the stockroom
- Hugs from Chris throughout the day (i know you will love this mention)
- Cara!!!
- Knowing that its nearly Friday (sort of)
I'm off to have food and a bath. Maybe at the same time. Don't judge me.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Ok so i've not been the best at updating this recently but i honestly have been quite busy. It's all about work work work, having done loads of over time and loads of full days in the past few weeks. I'm not at all complaining, i need every penny i can get, and its as close to full time work as i can get so i'm happy to be spending most my time there knowing i'm getting paid a good wage, and having a good laugh with some of the people i work with. I've spent this weekend with Sherri, not doing much other than living in my bedroom. Friday night i thought i'd do my wonderful brother a favour by nipping his to look after obie for an hour or so (even though it did mess up all my friday plans... arn't i a good sister!) I then went and caught a bus to my cousins as shes in a really bad place regarding boyfriends. I hate seeing someone in a state like that, actually heartbroken but i can relate to everything she was telling me, as i have been there before. Although she might not think it, it does get better. So attempting to cheer her up i provided chocolate and sweets and we stayed up chatting until the early hours. Saturday i met Sherri in town and we shopped for our last minute bits for our 'halloween' outfit. Pretttty excited considering we have managed to keep it such a secret so far. Roll on next Friday and all will be revealed. Plenty of photos too follow i'm sure. So Saturday night we got the food and drink in (vimpto) and stayed up watching xfactor, and youtube videos, family guy and eating way too much chocolate cake. All good.
Decided that i'm gunna send off for my provisional when i next get paid as last month i was quite good with my wages and only bought stuff that i actually NEEDED. (Yes, i did need that pair of docs for work... )So my point being, i'm quite liking being sensible with my money and not wasting it on clothes that i'll only wear once. I think once i've got my provisional i'll be more inclined to actually start doing some driving lessons. (Writing all this on here makes me hope that i might actually stick to doing most of the stuff i come out with knowing people read it and actually believe it!) I've actually managed to set my savings account up properly as last time i managed to forget my pin having not used it in about 2 years. You can only imagine how little funds i had in there really. Now thats up and running hopefully i'll start getting a nice amount into there which can be used for a rainy day.. i.e Bulgaria.
Theres a lot to look forward too at the minute. I'm pretty much an open book with nothing to hold me back. It's so exciting. I'm happy and content and i guess the only thing i can grumble at is the amount i miss a couple of my best friends. Knowing that i'll be seeing them in a couple of weeks is the best feeling though and with a few other events inbetween, the next few months are looking up.
Decided that i'm gunna send off for my provisional when i next get paid as last month i was quite good with my wages and only bought stuff that i actually NEEDED. (Yes, i did need that pair of docs for work... )So my point being, i'm quite liking being sensible with my money and not wasting it on clothes that i'll only wear once. I think once i've got my provisional i'll be more inclined to actually start doing some driving lessons. (Writing all this on here makes me hope that i might actually stick to doing most of the stuff i come out with knowing people read it and actually believe it!) I've actually managed to set my savings account up properly as last time i managed to forget my pin having not used it in about 2 years. You can only imagine how little funds i had in there really. Now thats up and running hopefully i'll start getting a nice amount into there which can be used for a rainy day.. i.e Bulgaria.
Theres a lot to look forward too at the minute. I'm pretty much an open book with nothing to hold me back. It's so exciting. I'm happy and content and i guess the only thing i can grumble at is the amount i miss a couple of my best friends. Knowing that i'll be seeing them in a couple of weeks is the best feeling though and with a few other events inbetween, the next few months are looking up.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Friday, 15 October 2010
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
oh hiiiiiii!!!
Hello, i haven't blogged properly in quite a long time, but considering mumford and sons are playing, i've not got to be up early and i'm quite content, i thought why not. Everythings lovely at the minute. There gets a point in the day where for about 5 minutes i miss some of my friends so much i just wanna catch a train to go see them all last minute. But after the 5 minutes i know that it's not long until christmas where i get to see them all together ! But anyway, like i was saying i'm really happy at the minute other than this little glitch. This weekend was pretty amazing, i may have spent silly amounts but i really couldn't care less, i have some pretty good injokes running between me and sherri after the last minute trip to skeg. Photos below! I love having something to look forward too, and now i don't really feel that much is going off. Still counting down the months until i get out of this place. I'm not quite sure people actually believe that i'm going to do it. I've always been a bit of a dreamer, and having high hopes for everything which i guess is sometimes a bad thing when it comes to things like this. When i tell people the things i want too do eventually and they just laugh at you, it kinder makes you question whether you can actually do it. I will do it though, all the laughing and the 'i won't believe it until you're there' banter just makes me want it more. Just to prove a point, because i hate to be wrong.
(I think i'm rambling abit now. Maccabees just came onto spotify. Massive love)
Goodnight. P.s it would be good to get some feedback, or just to know somebody actually reads this. I have no idea if you people enjoy reading this mess! Cool. x
(I think i'm rambling abit now. Maccabees just came onto spotify. Massive love)
Goodnight. P.s it would be good to get some feedback, or just to know somebody actually reads this. I have no idea if you people enjoy reading this mess! Cool. x
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Monday, 11 October 2010

'When can we go back to skeg and be skeg safe ? when can we go back and see T-doggg and midget? I wanna meet up with Kyle again i think...i love how much we got on. Can't believe that Lynn has her own fortune telling buisness there, and that... kieran now models tshirts on market. Oh sorry did i miss out the 'the' there. It's okay though coz skeg kids would understand. TA LOVE.I'm so glad that we're so close to ryan that we shouted in his face when we went LA, and that Ed was having a wicked time too. Probably will have a couple of games of handsome while we're there too and hang out with Noel. Love how we saw Piers on the pier. Hopefully you won't get punched, and we won't be beeped, laughed at, and pointed at. Making it my mission to get shouted at though. Glad that last time i got a tour of the Skeg sand junes. Can't believe i fell over! Thinking of going Skeg uni and staying in Skeg halls thanks to the open day we went too..Thanks for taking one for the team..I heard it felt like you were 14 again?metal?lovelllly.I'm so glad we managed to get such bargains too.My pauls boutique bag and your allsaints boots..deffo going to get skeg items again soon, maybe from bits and bobs, apparently word on the street is that its ten items for a quid?Can we go butlins next time though and be butlins boozy birds?Maybe then we might be able to hang out with crazy steve.Glad it was like home from home too. Bumping into Channy.So yeah...too many jokes too many many jokes x'
checky being angry.
abbies mad.
sweaty nottingham guy.
jonny wore heels.
oh what a good weekend.
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