Wednesday, 20 May 2009

So this one is "Your blog is as deer to me as cupcakes" and the rules are:
Respond and rework
Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question of your own invention
Add one additional question

What is your current obsession? i wouldn't say i really had an obsession really, there are things i like alot but nothing i'm really obssesed with i'm affraid.
Where are you right now? in my hallway, it's the only place i can get internet so it means i get all the family peering over my shoulder.
Coffee or tea? Or something stronger? both, tea in the morning, coffee in the evenings, i know it shouldn't be like that.
What is one of your favorite movies? Amelie
What is one thing you are looking forward to? Leeds festival
Who was your childhood crush? Jim Carrey
What is your current favorite song? i wouldn't say i had just one!
What would you like to get rid of? some weight, and soon.
What's your favorite book? Harry Potter, true stories.
Why did you start your blog? it's sort of like a diary, that people read.
If money was not an issue, what is one thing you would purchase for yourself? A vintage shop, full of vintage clothing, with a flat above it.
If you could live in a foreign country, which one would it be? Paris.
What is the one trait about yourself you wish you could change? A few things.
Tipple of choice? southern comfort and lemonade.
What is one trait about yourself that you are proud of? I always look at the good points of a bad situation, oh second chances are good too give also.
What is your wish for the future? Just to have as much fun possible.
Whats the best thing about your family? They always have my back.

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