100 facts about me.
1. I’m a sucker for charm.
2. My favourite accent is the London accent…or, Australian, or Irish…all on men.
3. I did ballet when i was younger and wish i’d kept it up.
4. James Blunt is a guilty pleasure.
5. One of the biggest regrets in my life is cutting off all my hair when i was about 13.
6. I don’t think i’m fat, but i really want to lose weight, i’ve got hips that i hate.
7. My favourite place is my bed.
8. I’m a size 6 in shoes, but a size 5 in some trainers.
9. I think i’ve got nice teeth.
10. I sell shoes, and work at Schuh.
11. I literally think that my dog is my favourite thing.
12. I tan really well.
13. I have 3 A levels but didn’t go to uni.
14. I have alot to thank my mum for.
15. I leave to go work abroad soon.
16. One day i want to live in London.
17. I’ve never been America.
18. Shane Meadows is my favourite film director.
19. I tell my mum that i love Jack from Eastenders everytime we watch it.
20. I love banter.
21. I probably get on with boys more than girls, although my best friends are girls.
22. I have the same dream most nights.
23. I’ve always loved horror films, ever since i was little. My parents thought that it was strange.
24. I’ve become bored of my job.
25. I met my best friend at work.
26. My ipod comes everywhere with me.
27. I like the summer but prefer winter clothing.
28. I’ve got blue eyes.
29. I’ve got an older brother.
30. My dads birthday is on Christmas day.
31. One day i hope to live by a beach.
32. I imagine myself with 2 kids, a boy and a girl.
33. I wish i owned a rode horses.
34. I’m open minded about most things.
35. I want my own shop one day that sells vintage clothing.
36. I want my first car to be an original mini.
37. I love my nan so much.
38. Films that make you think after are my favourite.
39. I want to go travelling one day before i settle down with my own place and proper job.
40. If i had the money, i’d eat out every day.
41. None of my friends judge me for what i do, and that’s why they are my friends.
42. My favourite colour is baby blue.
43. I own baby blue converse which i live in at work.
44. I probably couldn’t go out with anyone shorter than me.
45. Most of the time i hate buses, but only when they’re late, which is almost all the time.
46. I used to collect old cameras purely for the fun of it, now when i think i want to get rid of them i don’t because i imagine how cool they will look when i get a flat.
47. I love shopping in charity shops and searching for bargains on a good market.
48. I find it near impossible to save money.
49. I wish i didn’t speak so Leicester, but i guess that’s just me…ain’t it.
50. I love cocktails, i’d drink them all day every day if i could.
51. I love Harry Potter, but doesn’t everyone?
52. I like a man that smells good, and dresses well.
53. My first flat or house needs to have a kitchen window that overlooks a garden.
54. I feel naked when i’m not wearing any lipstick.
55. When i was little i told my parents i wanted to be a dog when i grew up.
56. I love my blackberry even though it’s shit.
57. Sometimes i hate what i see when i look in the mirror after a shower.
58. I would rather wear trainers on a night out than heels.
59. The man that chooses to spend his life with me needs to understand that i will want a dog.
60. I like a boy that can dance.
61. Or sing.
62. Or play some musical instrument.
63. I keep a diary and have done for the past couple of years, i write in it every couple of weeks.
64. I prefer twitter to facebook.
65. I’m very privileged.
66. Maths was my worst subject at school.
67. I got bullied for a bit in primary school, kids can be so harsh.
68. I like waking up to texts.
69. I like all things floral and lacey.
70. I’ve listened to Examples album everyday for the past couple of weeks.
71. I like writing lists.
72. My future home will be covered in fairy lights. Inside and probably out.
73. I miss having a 90 something year old man living next door to us, even though my new neighbour is pretty fit.
74. Year 11 was my best school year.
75. I’d like to work in a library.
76. I own a lot of dvds, most of which are ones i needed to purchase for film studies in A level.
77. I hate sleeping in socks unless it’s winter.
78. I speak to Sherri every single day without fail.
79. I like boys with tattoos, but not with piercings.
80. One day i’ll own a Vivienne Westwood handbag.
81. I sleep better at night with my window open slightly.
82. I’ve never won anything.
83. I’ve only had 2 proper boyfriends.
84. I have a photograph beside my bed of my family, when i was a baby and my brother was 6.
85. I have 2 old suitcases filled with vintage clothing sitting there doing nothing.
86. I hate seeing babies with their ears pierced.
87. I miss Jackie every single day, and also Lucy.
88. Last years holiday was literally the best week of my life.
89. I don’t think i’m a good cook, but i can clean.
90. I don’t like wearing jeans.
91. I’m a flirt.
92. I guess i’m the one that makes all the decisions.
93. I’m rubbish in the mornings.
94. I crave a night out if i’ve not been out in over a week.
95. I range from size 12-14 in clothes, 12 being something fitted, 14 being something baggy.
96. I use sarcasm more or less 100% of the time.
97. Southern Comfort is my choice of drink on a night out.
98. I miss my brother.
99. Me and my cousin look like sisters.