I guess i didn't realise how many people read this until i stopped blogging for a while and everyone slowly started to mention how they wanted something to read. I'm sorry, i've been rubbish. It just seems that lately i've not had much to talk about, and i'd hate to think that i'm boring you all. Even now i'm struggling to think about latest events and i'm struggling quite abit. Having been ill with a cold last weekend, it meant that i was unable to spend it with some of my favourites. I was meant to be in Sheffield but didn't go because i didn't wanna kill the party! I know it won't be long before i see everyone again with what the next few months have to offer me. With Valentines Day coming up, it makes me sick! Haha, probably something to do with me being single? Is this my, what? 3rd year that i'll be spending it alone? How depressing eh. At least i'll get a card from my Nan, she never fails me. What a babe. In a way i think i'd hate to have someone i feel that closesly about, especially as plans to go away over the summer are finally all coming together. Having some sort of relationship would make it hard and in a way i'm glad i'll be going out as single as ever. I guess, it would just be nice to get some flowers or something. Any takers!?
It's my birthday at the end of this month and i shall be celebrating with some of my favourite people. I've made a big thing about it at work so hopefully most of them lot will show their faces at some point. Hoping Jackie, Becca, Lucy will manage to make it, i know it's hard with money and getting time of work so i've told them not to worry too much if they can't make it. Of course, my lovely family. My brother is up for it, and got my cousins also. Obviously Sherri, my one and only. It should be a good night, and even if people only show up for one drink i'll be chuffed they made the effort anyway! I can't believe i'll be 20. It's actually mental. This year has flown by quicker than i could have ever imagined. I think this time last year i was planning on going too college to study public services. Oh how things have changed. I'm glad things have turned out how they have done. I'm making alot more sense of life now and i'm pretty happy that i've got stuff to look forward to finally.
Another one to look forward too, is my leaving do. The date is yet to be decided but it will be a great time for both mine and Sherris family to get together and get to know each other...Obviously for everyone to get borderline pissed too and have a good old dance before we're let loose on our own in the big wide world. Tomorrow i'll be meeting Sherri in town so we can go looking around for a decent venue for the leaving do. We want somewhere cheap, somewhere big enough, and somewhere cheerful. Is that to much to ask for? I hope not! I guess i'll let everyone know when we have finalised the plans for the leaving do and i can probably go abit more into it when we know ourselves whats kicking off!
I've offically ran out of things to tell you all about. I'm pretty much a grandma at the minute as i'm working my hardest to save like crazy! So that means, weekends in, no shopping for new clothes, and no more dinner dates with Sherri after work. Depressing as hell but it will be all worth it. It's safe to say i'll be making up for time spent in for 5 months soon enough. Happy days. I'll try my hardest not to leave it so long next time.xxx