I thought i'd best post something while i get chance! This week i've moved into my brothers house to look after his dog while they're away in NY. Jealous doesn't come close. It is nice however to have my own space, and surprisingly, the dog is good company. This weeks bloody flew by, and works had quite a chilled out and laid back atmosphere about it due to lack of managers in. It's nice to have a couple of more easy-going people telling you what to do sometimes, because you don't mind doing what they have asked you to do so much, if that makes sense? So yeah, with christmas seeming a distant memory now, everything is back to normal, and everyone seems well and truley knackered! I know i am. I could do with a week off or so just to sleep because i've never relied on the wonderful thing that is caffeine so much before! New years resolutions seem to have failed/been put on hold as i haven't even began to think about the next time i'll be going gym. Which annoys me because, i have the time to go... it's just literally, getting the motivation to get there because i know once i'm there i love it! You get that instant feel good feeling when you step out of the gym knowing that everything you just did has helped your fitness in some way. I'm looking forward to a couple of nights out that me and Sherri have organised in the next couple of weeks. I guess we really are making the most out of our free entry thing in January to get into the o2 academy every Saturday. We went the other night too, even my cousin and her mate was out which was pretty surreal because i never seem to go on nights out with her anymore. It was a really good night to be fair, i was just left feeling abit empty and gutted at the end of it. I guess sometimes shit happens. I'm very much looking forward to this weekend. I love not working weekends anymore, it makes going work in the week more bearable i suppose. Sherri is coming over Saturday and we're doing the whole weekend 'in' thing. Food, bad tv, and maybe some cheeky drinks. It wouldn't surprise me if we did end up going out however as everytime katy b comes on at work we do this 'i-want-to-go-out-soon' look to each other. I hope i get to see the boy some point soon too, maybe i won't, maybe i will. I'm not too sure whats happening at the minute, i guess i'm just going along with it. What happens, happens. What doesn't, doesn't. Sounds pretty simple enough... well, you'd think that wouldn't you. Hope everyone else is doing okay, i'm off to get some sleep before i do drop off half way through a sentence! Peace and Love x