Haven't done a blog in a while. So here goes. I suppose i should start by giving you a run down of the latest events that has happened recently but i really can't remember so i'll just say whay ever comes to mind. This weekend was lovely/not. Lovely to see Jackie and Becca on her birthday, not to not see Lucy and the later events that happened on the day i was meant to be coming home. I say meant to be coming home, like i didn't make it home. I did, safe and sound but 40 quid short and not getting in home until about half 10 at night. The whole weekend was abit of an anti climax, and i hope things get resolved soon because i can't stand all this, especially when it comes from someone else, someone i couldn't care less about. Like i said though, seeing Jackie was lovely and it was just nice to get away from Leicester and see some different places and people. We went to a big fireworks display on the friday night which was probably one of the best i've ever seen. Everything was pretty perfect there was just one thing missing, or should i say person. I wish Lucy was there to do the we no speak americano dance and then everything would have been lovely.
Works going okay at the minute, starting to get busy with the run upto christmas, apart from today where we were all stood doing nothing. I can't really complain though, i get to work with one of my best friends and a couple of other special ones so it could be worse. I managed to get my first christmas present today, which made me feel very organised and prepared. I also managed to transfer abit of money into my savings account too which was nice.
The next few weeks are looking to be quite full. With a couple of big nights out planned i'm sure i'll be giving this months wages abit of a beating with two new outfits for them. Sorry bank account. A hair cut is needed, still undecided whether to cut it all off, leave it too grow, get it 'cut to grow' (whatever that means!). I'll probably decide on the day like usual. A pub quiz??????? Somehow thats got thrown into the mix by me and sherri. The idea of a sunday pubquiz in comfys after a night out does seem quite appealing don't you think? JACKIES COMING BACK. Saturday, mosh. Need i say more? Apparently theres a more obvious reason to get excited for saturday too. Can't think why? I'm too funny. Family shopping trip to Nottingham next saturday, with Sherri. Cute. Harry Potter Friday with my cousin. Yes, my tickets are already booked. Christmas do... Ah the list goes on. I'm having a laugh these days. I'm pretty content, and happy.. Thats all that matters right?
I have no inspiration/can't be bothered to write anything else. I'm sorry for being rubbish, i'm probably just over tired. Until next time xxx