Ok so i've not been the best at updating this recently but i honestly have been quite busy. It's all about work work work, having done loads of over time and loads of full days in the past few weeks. I'm not at all complaining, i need every penny i can get, and its as close to full time work as i can get so i'm happy to be spending most my time there knowing i'm getting paid a good wage, and having a good laugh with some of the people i work with. I've spent this weekend with Sherri, not doing much other than living in my bedroom. Friday night i thought i'd do my wonderful brother a favour by nipping his to look after obie for an hour or so (even though it did mess up all my friday plans... arn't i a good sister!) I then went and caught a bus to my cousins as shes in a really bad place regarding boyfriends. I hate seeing someone in a state like that, actually heartbroken but i can relate to everything she was telling me, as i have been there before. Although she might not think it, it does get better. So attempting to cheer her up i provided chocolate and sweets and we stayed up chatting until the early hours. Saturday i met Sherri in town and we shopped for our last minute bits for our 'halloween' outfit. Pretttty excited considering we have managed to keep it such a secret so far. Roll on next Friday and all will be revealed. Plenty of photos too follow i'm sure. So Saturday night we got the food and drink in (vimpto) and stayed up watching xfactor, and youtube videos, family guy and eating way too much chocolate cake. All good.
Decided that i'm gunna send off for my provisional when i next get paid as last month i was quite good with my wages and only bought stuff that i actually NEEDED. (Yes, i did need that pair of docs for work... )So my point being, i'm quite liking being sensible with my money and not wasting it on clothes that i'll only wear once. I think once i've got my provisional i'll be more inclined to actually start doing some driving lessons. (Writing all this on here makes me hope that i might actually stick to doing most of the stuff i come out with knowing people read it and actually believe it!) I've actually managed to set my savings account up properly as last time i managed to forget my pin having not used it in about 2 years. You can only imagine how little funds i had in there really. Now thats up and running hopefully i'll start getting a nice amount into there which can be used for a rainy day.. i.e Bulgaria.
Theres a lot to look forward too at the minute. I'm pretty much an open book with nothing to hold me back. It's so exciting. I'm happy and content and i guess the only thing i can grumble at is the amount i miss a couple of my best friends. Knowing that i'll be seeing them in a couple of weeks is the best feeling though and with a few other events inbetween, the next few months are looking up.