It feels like i've been neglecting my blog recently. I'm not sure whether thats due to the early mornings as usually i would write my stuff before work. But anyway, heres a quick update of what i've been up to and that. I finally got round to changing my contract at work. I'm not too sure how many hours i'm actually on, but anything is better that 8. I think it will probably be something like 16 - 2o hours per week which is alot better when it comes down to holiday and that all important bonus at the end of the year. COOL. My weekend has been pretty good. For once i found myself very busy! Although the bank balance is feeling it!! Thursday was pay day, and i went in town and bought lots of things to wear for my 2 nights out that coming weekend. BYE WAGES. I'm being good though and returning most of it. Met Sherri in town and got all annoyed that we couldn't see anything we liked. Which is my excuse why i bought so much... so i could choose at home After food at highcross.. (standard) i met Jackie as it was her birthday and we carried on shopping for something for her big night out the next day. I got home and was so tired i wanted to just fall into bed. I stayed up late however as i needed to dye my hair. Great. Getting up for work the next day hurt. Funny how i'm more knackered after a day off than i would be if i had done a 8 hour shift. COOL. no sense right.
SO after work on friday and practically ran home to get ready. After everything i had bought for the night out i ended up in some old stuff that i felt comfortable in. That makes me sound like i looked like a tramp. I didn't honest. Well.. i hope i didn't! We headed round Beccas as she had a free house and there was a lot of people there including quite a few of Jacks uni mates. It was nice to have quite a few different faces on the night out. Went into town and ended up in liquid dancing to some right classics! The night was a good one, but it was a shame that some men just can't take no as an answer and end up flipping out on your mates! not cool, but Lucys fine so thats the main thing. There was a lot of 'IF I SEE HIM I SWEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR' but.. realistically i wouldn't have reconised him if i'd seen him again that night. Great!
Work wasn't so good the next day, a long shift but i was just excited for that night. Finished at 5 and waited around for Sherri to finish. When she finished we went for subways and walked it to her brothers. Met Snoop. Cute. We drank alot as we got ready and danced around abit. I got half naked in the window whilst attempting to fake tan. All good fun. A schuh night out is always messy so we were pretty much on it. I think i was just topping myself up from the previous night being fair so i was gunna be a cheap night out! We met everyone in town after a couple in the queen of the bradgate! standard, again.. we hit a few more bars and the last thing i remember of the night is standing at a bar in fan club doing shots. I woke up fully dressed in Sherri's brothers bed with a rather sore head. It was nice that Sherri was naked in the princess bed though. Cute. We spent the sunday watching xfactor, snuggling, eating, drinking flavoured soda water, and building a tower from cans. We had Lynns company for a fair bit too and we finally dragged ourselves into town for a spot of bowling. ROUGH. Everyone laughed. I don't blame them. I did the classic 'i'm never drinking again' and that was the start of the 2 day hangover. Lovely :)
It's now Tuesday. I don't really have much to look too now, which is sad. I loose my girls soon. So i'm pretty happy my contract has been changed to weekdays which means i'll try and get lots of visiting in place once they are both settled in. Least i've still got waggles :). I guess i'll be hitting sheffield in a couple of weekends time for a big night out. Chase & Status please. Good times. Sorry bank accountttt.
NOW i'm off to get showered and ready as i'm spending some time with the slags before i don't see them for a million years! Work at 9 tomorrow again. Reckon they are trying to kill me, i need a lie in still to recover from the weekend!
If you are reading CHRIS. This is for you.
So you moan that i've still not mentioned you in my blog. Here.. happy? Good. Nice hair. See you in the stockroom sometime. Please talk to me in australian, and have boxey waiting for me asap. CHEERS.
Cortez i miss you. I hope you're having millions of fun in LDN. Ring me soon for a chat. Blog dedicated to you coming soon <3
Me and Lucy we're talking about Bulgaria today and it's made me think of nothing else but Bulgaria. excited much. 8 monthsssssssssss. Yes please.
Thats all for now. xxxxxx