Thursday, 29 April 2010
"Today, I spent an hour petting my dog. It was only when I turned on the light that I realized it had been a pillow. MLIA. "
"Today, my sister and I were hungry so we went through the Mcdonalds drive through. I drive a rather old beat up car, and as we pulled up to the window to get our food the worker looked at me and sarcastically said "Nice car." Without missing a beat my 11 year old sister leans over the seat and said "Nice job." That shut him up. MLIA "
"Today, I was reading an article on suicide. I came across a sentence that said, "Suicide is fatal." Thanks for clearing that up, health website. MLIA "
How much better is Joe McElderrys version of the climb rather than Miley Cyrus.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
me myself and i
The end.
the last bit is 5 different people.
Monday, 26 April 2010
Sunday, 25 April 2010
I adore postsecrets
I've been following PostSecret for years and have never seen one of my secrets posted. But something happened a few days ago that was much cooler.
I opened your latest PostSecret book at Barnes & Noble and read that secret on page 5 about the note found on the plane. I was shocked to realize that I had written the note a couple years ago.
I had left the note on the airplane in hopes that I could wake somebody up from the trance we get stuck in everyday and realize what is really important.
I hope he and his new wife are very happy together.

smudged make up and smokey clothes
Saturday, 24 April 2010
I'm just gunna enjoy this weekend however, i don't have work and don't intend to be worrying about anything. Save all that for nearer the time. I've always done this, i guess sometimes it can backfire when you find yourself thinking oh shit... but oh well.
Seeing Joe later, not seen his face in a while. Taking the camera as it's begging to be used and the weathers pretty decent again too. Will upload a couple of photos later i guess. Nothing really big planned for next week other than working. Probably fit seeing Becca in here and there. Next weekend is sounding appealing too. Marcs trying to organise people to have some drinks in the day, think hes thinking of somewhere like abbey park for food and some alcohol in the lovely sunshine. Lets hope it's not cold/raining or it's too the pub for me.
Not really done much today, woke to breakfast in bed which was nice even though i was about half asleep whilst eating. Fell pretty much straight back sleep once i'd had it. Had a sorter late night last which i didn't mind what so ever, but the lie in was greatly appriciated. Got up and listened to some music whilst just lying in bed, window open, curtains softly blowing. Beaut. Dyed my hair, painted my nails, got changed and now i'm sitting in a really messy bedroom waiting for a text from Joe. Thats all i've really got to say to be honest. Current mood though is 10/10 which is always good.xx
Friday, 23 April 2010
would you rather spooner clarky or arron? the choice is yours
Spooners lovely and everything, like hes proper sweet and you could tell hes like completely harmless but then again he did go over the top that time he got bared from railway and he does still live with his mum and dad and hes like getting on for 40 or something, like that might be a little weird, like waking up in the morning and hes rents are there like 'want a cuppa', clarky is like proper cute and everything, like you cant help but be a little flirty with him and stuff and he has got a gun which is like really impressive and like sorta made him seem like a bit of a badboy, but i dunno theres just something about him its like as much as i know it would be like a proper laugh, likeeee parties round clarkys and like i can help him with the decorating or like even ring d.i.y sos for a surprise or something. but i like how clarky has like loads of music on his harddrive and his passion for flying helicopters and i just think aw thats like proper cute that is aint it. But then theres arron and he's like proper bad boy coz hes got like chinese tattoos on his neck and its proper fancy. But then i dunno its just like i know that he will probably only be with me coz i know he thinks ive got a sexy bum and its like he might be proper using me you know. I just dont know to be fair might just have to settle for chris... .oh no wait hes with a german women whos not fit... but he is growing his hair... and got a well nice house...which he can deffo afford...and a pure nice sports car... soz! ...and just imagine how funny the joint holidays would be. splashing round in the pool and going for dinner in the evening and bar crawls and sun bathing together.....he is a badboy aswell. i just dont know!!!!
Had a good night out last night with the work guys . Me Holly and Sherri arrived late, which is pretty standard. By the time we got in town, everyone was at Firebug so we headed there to be greeted by about 10 people. Was dressed head to toe in topshop which makes a change but considering it was all in the sale, it made me feel slightly better about the situation. We all went to walkabout where the drinking started and i found myself quickly becoming over happy and talking to everyone about complete rubbish, which i guess isn't a bad thing. After dodging someone being sick...twice.. we went Life to try get free entry. It wasn't happening considering me and Sheema thought it would be funny to climb on the sports statue near the clock tower and have about 25 photos taken pulling different poses. Fun... Got to life just after 11 which we were all very annoyed at as we had to part with a fiver. Town seemed very dead, and for once i could dance and not get elbowed in the face throughout the night. The amount of people that appeared at Life was enjoyable. I particually enjoyed it when they played busted, the beatles, and michael jackson as the schuh lot just stood in a massive circle laughing at kims bad dancing, enjoy how i took the video camera out also. Didn't film much but what i did is comedy gold. After getting wine chucked over me, buying drinks for a certain boy, moaning alot with chris about not having Will close by, trying to stand Lynn up correctly and stop her from taking her shoes off, requesting bad romance 4 times, getting covered in uv paint, loving riverside motherfucker, ringing cortez to rihanna and dancing a lot, we decided to go home.
Bed never felt so good that night. Shame i was up at 9 the next day ready for work. Longest and hardest shift ever. Loved seeing every else and how they were feeling (not good). Got all this weekend off which is just lovely. If the weathers like this all weekend i'll be pretty happy if i do nothing at all. Desperately need to start using the camera more. Might make the effort to go for a walk or something coz its gathering dust and i feel sorry for my baby.
Hope you enjoyed my update.
Love from me.x
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Monday, 19 April 2010
The Little Things
His son started kindergarten.
Another fellow was alive because it was
His turn to bring donuts.
One woman was late because her
Alarm clock didn’t go off in time.
One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike
Because of an auto accident.
One of them
Missed his bus.
One spilled food on her clothes and had to take
Time to change.
Car wouldn’t start.
One couldn’t
Get a taxi.
The one that struck me was the man
Who put on a new pair of shoes that morning,
Took the various means to get to work but before.
He got there, he developed a blister on his foot.
He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid.
That is why he is alive today..
Now when I am
Stuck in traffic,
Miss an elevator,
Turn back to answer a ringing telephone…
All the little things that annoy me,
I think to myself,
This is exactly where
I’m meant to be
At this very moment
Sunday, 18 April 2010
quick update
Not really got alot planned for today, going to get my application sorted out and might watch a film later. Other than that, a nice lazy sunday please! Hope everyones feeling okay today too. It's nice to enjoy a Sunday where i'm not hungover for once. That makes me sound awful. What is my life. Least it's fun.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Sun sun sun
Going to a house party tonight in Nottingham which should be a good laugh. If its as good as the last one anyway! Especially as everyones gunna be dressed in 80's clothing. Fun times for me. Get the retro sneaks out!! Got all this weekend off which is a good job becuase i don't think i would have got through today if i had work. I really can't do this 'manning up' thing. If i'm ill from a nightout everything has to stop! Luckily the sunshine seems to be doing me some good. I think my body hates me from last night so it's soaking up the rays (not really).
Not really got any big plans for this week considering i'm about as skint as a homeless person. Roll on Thursday as it's payday. Going out for Kims leaving do, but to be honest, most of the people that i have spoken to aint really that up for it. I also have work the next day at 11 so it's not like i'll be going mental (not that i go mental all the time or anything). Going to Williams Tuesday night which should be lovely. Decided Friday wouldn't be the best idea as i would have had to wait around in town for him for about 3 hours. So we decided on Tuesday. He's getting the ice cream! Me and Holly went to our gym induction the other day which was pretty helpful. Got a rough idea of what machines i need to go on (all of them), and the girl was really nice that did it. Just can't wait to get myself down there now. Just hope it's something i stick with!
I don't really have anything else to say. I'm glad i'm back to writing long enteries. It makes me feel happy for reasons i can't explain. Gay i know. All this sun makes me want a holiday. I can't wait for next year. Zante for 5 months anyone? Peace.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Thursday, 15 April 2010
nothing good

Lack of inspiration has left me tired and certainly with no words to fill this page like i have been doing the past couple of weeks. When i realise more people than i originally known are reading this little daily update it makes me want to keep it fresh and full of new ideas and long enteries. It's a shame i have nothing of importance to write once again. Today was nice, i went to work and did some jobs, i met Holly and went to hers for food and watched some lovely day time tv. I came home and spoke to someone nice for a few hours. The weekend should be nice, hopefully by then i'll be back on track and happy to write again :)
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Monday, 12 April 2010
For Henry
When everyone was feeling rather tired and it was time to go home me, Holly and Marc settled down on the sofa with a duvet, a cup of tea and Finding Nemo. We watched in total silence, even the credits too. Went to sleep at about 3am.
Woke up to Monday morning, and the sun certainly was not shining. Boo. Was hoping it would be another nice day but i was incredibly let down, me and Holly chilled on the balcony anyway and looked over the last nights mess. The bottles, fag ash, ice cream pots, glasses, and half eaten burgers was such a lovely sight at 9am the next day. We cleaned up a little and uploaded the photos to facebook. (All of which are disgusting of me) We went downstairs and woke Marc up. Watched friends and i went to get ready. Left Hollys about half 12 and walked into the town with Marc. Was nice to see him, and i left him as he headed back the the train station to go home to Peterborough.
When i finally did get home the dog was excited to be let out and to see me, and decided to take everything he owned outside. Always handy. I got showered, ate, and got ready to catch another bus back into town ( i spend too much of my life on buses) . Met Holly in town and we went to see the new gym we have both joined. All looked very posh and definately worth £9.99 a month. Slightly put off by our 'personal trainer' as all he was interested in was getting discount on shoes. Errrrrrr happening. Nipped into work to check my hours, and to see Lynn after her antics of drinking a whole bottle of pimms and falling over on the way home, to be rudely interupted by a certain manager. Talk about grinding my gears, me and Holly moaned for a whole half hour after. Standard really. Bumped into our boy Jamie next door in BANK and stood chatting for ages about him leaving. Was really nice to see him to speak to him properly and i feel like a weights been lifted. Just felt nice to catch up really. I think a nights out is needed for the schuh lot again, and i don't mean Kims leaving do.
Got a lift home with mum and since then all i've been doing is chilling and eating. Roll on when the gym opens because i am getting fit. I need too, like seriously! Having a quiet night in tonight i think. Will be nice to sleep in my own bed as i havn't for the past 3 nights! I have work tomorrow however, 12-5 so that should be alright. Be nice to meet the new girl at work 'Katie Perry'. (her actual name).
That was my past 2 days or so. I seem to write on this alot more than i used too. I feel like i always have something to put, even if it is pointless rubbish that nobody ACTUALLY cares about. I just think it's interesting when i get to read this back and be like 'why did i talk about schuh so much?' - the answer to that is probably because it's all i do at the minute. Sad i know but it gets the money on the table right? I just wish i enjoyed it abit more, like i used to. But oh well, lifes a bitch.
I hope you enjoyed my detailed day ! :)
Sunday, 11 April 2010
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Friday, 9 April 2010
Started the night by meeting Holly out of work, and headed to hers carrying bags of alcohol. The 3 story flight of stairs about killed me off carrying half my life with me. (not the alcohol) Proceeded to get very drunk in the space of about an hour after downing lemon cider and what we came to the conclusion was flat lilt, but with a fizzy kick. (lemon, tropical and blue VS mixed) The toxic green substance didn't go down well and we decided it would be time to catch a taxi into town to meet the rest of the people at polar bear. (Sherri had arrived at Hollys by this time and was equally as drunk) Had some classic taxi driver banter, and Sherri got to wear the guys hat.
Felt far too over dressed to be in Polar Bear, felt strange being in their as i hadn't been to a Thursday quids in a long time, it brings back some pretty good memories but some equally bad ones so it was just strange being in their with a different set of people. It hasn't changed however, you still feel like you're gunna pass out from the heat. Met Marc and Nilay and a couple of others too. Decided to love and leave Marc as he was gunna nip to his friends house before he came life. Us girls headed to life.
Probably the quickest i have ever got into it actually, walked straight in after me and Sherri annoyed just about the whole of Leicester chanting like rowdy youths. Sorry; guys at the cash point! Life was pretty busy as we got their about 12. Was nice to actually see the bar too, after previous life experiences where it takes half the night to even get to the front. Boo. Marc joined us later which was nice and we all danced the night away. Was meant to be some sort of UV night, and we we're all pretty dissapointed as i guess their idea of UV was just to hand out glowstix to everyone. Let down or what. I wanted heavy UV lights and alot of electro music. Got a bit of electro towards the end which i was loving.
Headed home just before the end to avoid waiting for taxis. Got in and remembered we had to face the walk to the top of the house. Killer. Stumbled into bed to be woken by the bright light of Friday morning. Oh how we youth roll. Breakfast went down a treat in the morning, as we watched Monsters Inc and laughed alot over the photographs. They really are beautiful (They're not). On facebook if you're that bothered. Realised that it was actually boiling outside we got all excited and put Hollys table and chairs out on her balcony and looked out to what can only be described as a holiday resort. It honestly felt like we were on holiday as her view is a building site. Beautiful. Sat outside drinking blackcurrent cocktails and taking photos and decided sunday would be a perfect opportunity to host a bbq on her balcony! Got a work meeting at half 5 so everyone is welcome back to hollys for after work drinks. Lovely Lovely.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Monday, 5 April 2010
Looking forward to the pub crawl when we get paid however, Will is organising it and hasn't stopped going on about it all day so i'm hoping it's worth all his excitement. I can't believe it was Hannahs last shift today either, very sad as i say bye to another one. It bought back memories of when i had to say bye to Cortez! She loved her Edward and Jacob picture! It's wierd how many people have left/are thinking of leaving. It makes me want to leave. Everyone's moving on and i feel i should be too but i'm stuck here with people asking 'what are you doing'. I hate that question. Ask me that question in September and hopefully i'll have a plan. Whatever happens, i won't be in Leicester much longer. I know i always say this, i don't blame you for thinking 'yeah right', sometimes i don't think i can do it myself, but i need change.
I will sort my life out, and whoever reads this will be there every step of the way, just wait; when i'm rich and famous this blog will be worth millions!!
Kieran complained that he was never mentioned in any of my blogs, maybe because i don't expect someone like you to read them? Kieran works at schuh, and bullies me in the stockroom. However annoying this can be, i do enjoy working with him, you're alright i suppose :)
(this good enough for you?)
p.s Hi Jackie, i know you're also reading too.
bring on summer 2010.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Tonight should be good, pre lash and then hopefully out. I'm pretty skint but after tonight i'm giving my mum my card and not letting myself spend anything i don't need! Trying to save bad for life and it's just not happening! Money burns a whole far too easily! Anyway, thats all to report for now... will probably update you of how last night went tomorrow. Hopefully won't be feeling to rough as i've got work, should be fun :|