'Tomorrow is the one day in a teenagers life where you have a right to absoloutly kill yourself, so just do it properly. Play some chainsaw DubStep, take all the narcotics you can get your hands on, kiss as many people of the same sex you can, make sure your shaggin some one at midnight, and get off to a fucking good start next year. We are not here to acheive, we've got plenty of time to do that. For now we are here to tear it up. Every person who hates us. Hates us because they are not us. Stay strong and promise me you will not be good this new year. '
true stories.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
oh blogspot
ive been wondering, who actually reads this . I have a diary which is nearly full . If i write a short paragraph on here , the diary gets about 5 pages . I might delete my blog because its though im just writing a snippet of my diary and nobody reads it . Surely people are supposed to read my blogs . I don't know. 2009 might have had enough i reckon .
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Friday, 25 December 2009
happy birthday dad
and happy christmas also . Today has been lovely . Plenty of food to last for the next couple of weeks , family , brother , new stuff ... what more could i want really . Got some lovely things , i'm very lucky and spoilt by everyone ! Dads 50 today also ! whay ! Just had a bath now im feeling all warm inside wearing my new pjs haha . Waiting for 10 oclock then im pretty much sorted for the night . Looking forward to tomorrow ! Hope you all had a good one xxxxxxx
Thursday, 24 December 2009
24th December
It's christmas eve .. Feeling quite excited now ! Can't wait to go round my nans later for loads of food and family banter ! Its what it's all about :) Get to spend the day with my horrible big brother tomorrow too !! All in all , i'm excited and happy .
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
tuesday - happy birthday nan
Monday, 21 December 2009
Sunday, 20 December 2009
is it always like this . It never goes how it's meant to go . 4 days until christmas and i'm still not really that excited for it . Something seems different , maybe because the magic has gone or whatever . I'm stupidly skint , i have about 3 quid to my name which is just depressing as i can't do anything until new years eve ! It's a lovely day today however , and i'm feeling going for a walk later or something . May take the camera . So i guess , i'm having one of them days where it doesn't all revolve around money . My house is all cosy and christmassy , the dogs snoring at the top of the stairs (i can hear him) and i'm listening to some good tunage . Overall i'm quite content . Looking forward to seeing Anna Wednesday . It's been toooo long ! Bit gutted i couldn't go out last night, sounds like everyone had fun :( i was stuck in watching love actually . Anyway .. i need to make myself look slightly presentable .
goodbye xxx
goodbye xxx
Friday, 18 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
wasnt meant to be like this , but i guess i'll just go with it . Anything can happen right ? I can't wait for 2010!!!
Also a little excited for christmas too . Mostly looking forward too bare family time , and chilling with my brother xmas day. Although i do need to buy presents . I'm going out tonight and hoping to spend as little as possible .
Also a little excited for christmas too . Mostly looking forward too bare family time , and chilling with my brother xmas day. Although i do need to buy presents . I'm going out tonight and hoping to spend as little as possible .
Saturday, 12 December 2009
you are
completely blind. Face it , nothing lasts forever , and people need to stop being so serious .. have fun and live a little .
Friday, 11 December 2009
Thursday, 10 December 2009
talk about mood swing
so it seems as ive got home from work my mood has gone down hill . I have no idea why or how ..
work was okay , nothing great but it defiantely wasnt as bad as wednesday . Tomorrow should be nice though , hopefully i'll be in a happier state for that massive cup of tea you owe me . I know that i should go to bed sometime soon , as ive got an earlish morning . 9 is early these days alright ! Anyway .. this was pointless .
good night x

Wednesday, 9 December 2009
just a quick one (or not!)
I'm lying in bed , feeling pretty content and happy with everything . As you have probably read in my previous blog ! I think i'm just in one of them moods you know , where your listening to a song , and it gets you all inspirational or creative . I don't think any of the stuff i write on here is either of them , but i do try .
Work was okay , wasn't the best shift ive ever done . Hannah , Jamie , Lyn , and Dan were in , which was a laugh . But when 6 hit they all left and i was left with a guy i don't know and a couple of xmas temps . As much as i try and make an effort , its just not the same is it . I wanted a laugh with the usuals . The people i can just walk by in the stock room and start laughing . It probably sounds harsh but i hate having to make the effort , i want the conversation to flow and not to ask the basics and talk about work . I want conversations about the weekend , and the next night out . I realise that i talk about work alot on here . But at the minute , thats what my daily routine consists of . It was horrible to think that Dans gunna leave when Cara gets back . I don't want Dan to leave ! best manager ever ? yes .
It seems that everyone is splitting up. I don't know why , maybe its to do with christmas present buying ?! haha . It's crazy , this time last year i was happily taken (and dont regret it by the way) and now im happily single . Having a boy for christmas is always nice though right ? Someone to walk in the cold with , and cuddle up to . I guess we will just see what happens . It's not like i'm gunna go looking or anything . Being single at the minute is wicked . Becca makes me realise this , as i have said before now in my blog !
So whos started there christmas shopping ? Because i havnt. Im tight on cash and have no idea whos buying presents this year (as in the girls) and my dads 50 and my brothers awkward ( do i get him something for the house or what?!) . Looks like i'm staying in for the next few weeks and doing nothing , which is always fun for the first 2 days , and then it gets kind of boring . So for the next few weeks who wants to sleep over ? we can watch films and i have a massive bed . I could sort us out with some sort of bevvys . I think that christmas has lost its charm , i mean if you think about it , back in the day .. kids never knew what they were getting for the big day . People would knit jumpers , and make cards. Whats happened to the creativity and thought behind a present . It sounds pretty sad , but id love a knitted jumper for christmas . Id definately wear it on xmas day . Most of the time , kids know what they are actually getting . I was with my dad when he bought my 'main present' . Whats that all about ?! I think it's fair to say that its not the same as it used to be . Obviously the magics gone and everything but i just think times have changed and people dont appritate it as much anymore . It's not all about the flashy presents , it's literally 'the thought that counts' . Maybe i'm going on about this coz i'm skint and everyone will be getting home made presents this year . Least it will give you something to look forward to eh!
I should probably be getting bed . Got a busy day tomorrow and work also . Lets hope that its more fun . Only working until 7 which is okay . I shall update you tomorrow on life . Im guessing unless i meet the love of my life , or win the lottery , or do something wicked it won't be very interesting . But i guess thats the beauty of life . Anything could happen .
lots of love .x
Work was okay , wasn't the best shift ive ever done . Hannah , Jamie , Lyn , and Dan were in , which was a laugh . But when 6 hit they all left and i was left with a guy i don't know and a couple of xmas temps . As much as i try and make an effort , its just not the same is it . I wanted a laugh with the usuals . The people i can just walk by in the stock room and start laughing . It probably sounds harsh but i hate having to make the effort , i want the conversation to flow and not to ask the basics and talk about work . I want conversations about the weekend , and the next night out . I realise that i talk about work alot on here . But at the minute , thats what my daily routine consists of . It was horrible to think that Dans gunna leave when Cara gets back . I don't want Dan to leave ! best manager ever ? yes .
It seems that everyone is splitting up. I don't know why , maybe its to do with christmas present buying ?! haha . It's crazy , this time last year i was happily taken (and dont regret it by the way) and now im happily single . Having a boy for christmas is always nice though right ? Someone to walk in the cold with , and cuddle up to . I guess we will just see what happens . It's not like i'm gunna go looking or anything . Being single at the minute is wicked . Becca makes me realise this , as i have said before now in my blog !
So whos started there christmas shopping ? Because i havnt. Im tight on cash and have no idea whos buying presents this year (as in the girls) and my dads 50 and my brothers awkward ( do i get him something for the house or what?!) . Looks like i'm staying in for the next few weeks and doing nothing , which is always fun for the first 2 days , and then it gets kind of boring . So for the next few weeks who wants to sleep over ? we can watch films and i have a massive bed . I could sort us out with some sort of bevvys . I think that christmas has lost its charm , i mean if you think about it , back in the day .. kids never knew what they were getting for the big day . People would knit jumpers , and make cards. Whats happened to the creativity and thought behind a present . It sounds pretty sad , but id love a knitted jumper for christmas . Id definately wear it on xmas day . Most of the time , kids know what they are actually getting . I was with my dad when he bought my 'main present' . Whats that all about ?! I think it's fair to say that its not the same as it used to be . Obviously the magics gone and everything but i just think times have changed and people dont appritate it as much anymore . It's not all about the flashy presents , it's literally 'the thought that counts' . Maybe i'm going on about this coz i'm skint and everyone will be getting home made presents this year . Least it will give you something to look forward to eh!
I should probably be getting bed . Got a busy day tomorrow and work also . Lets hope that its more fun . Only working until 7 which is okay . I shall update you tomorrow on life . Im guessing unless i meet the love of my life , or win the lottery , or do something wicked it won't be very interesting . But i guess thats the beauty of life . Anything could happen .
lots of love .x
i feel
pretty content at the minute . Things are going quite slow in terms of saving up for next year , but it's hard with xmas coming up . I'm pretty skint , but last night was so bloody worth it . I suppose i should get off here , and get ready for work . Quite looking forward to doing the late , hopefully not too many people will be shoe shopping at 9 ? lets hope . But yeah , i thought id let y'all know i'm feeling happy with everything . I don't really want it to change yet . But sometimes change is always good . I'm just chatting poo now , so its off to work i go !
xxx ♥ ♥
xxx ♥ ♥
Monday, 7 December 2009
So the meal last night was actually alright . I do love the schuh lot . Was nice to see Cortez for abit , although i hated seeing him a little bit upset , no matter how hard he tried to hide it . Love you man ! But yeah , the food wasn't too great , nobody sang on kareoke and i won best dressed award . Not bad not bad .
how is everyone this monday afternoon ? Im lacking inspiration today . Someone make me get up and ready and do something productive . Mum and dads gone to get the xmas tree today , whats that all about ? It's weird coz for the first time ever i think its too early for it . Maybe it's because my brothers not here to help me decorate it or whatever . It just won't be the same ! I'm not really too excited for it yet . I think working in retail ruins the whole experience abit , especially if your working all over christmas , which luckily im not but i feel for everyone else . I guess thats the same all over the world though , it's always gunna be tough on people working over christmas , the doctors , the firemen , the dentists , the vets , the lorry drivers , the bus drivers , the RETAIL WORKERS! and all the rest . I suppose christmas is only really magical when your little . It seems to take forever to get here and when it does your literally coutinf down the days , writing your list , being good ! I am looking forward to spending boxing day with the fam though . It's been too long since the Fletchers and Victorys got together !
Well thats my very festive blog about christmas ...
(okay ... hardly)
i will try and get into the spirit soon ... maybe i just need some mince pies or something .
lots of love
how is everyone this monday afternoon ? Im lacking inspiration today . Someone make me get up and ready and do something productive . Mum and dads gone to get the xmas tree today , whats that all about ? It's weird coz for the first time ever i think its too early for it . Maybe it's because my brothers not here to help me decorate it or whatever . It just won't be the same ! I'm not really too excited for it yet . I think working in retail ruins the whole experience abit , especially if your working all over christmas , which luckily im not but i feel for everyone else . I guess thats the same all over the world though , it's always gunna be tough on people working over christmas , the doctors , the firemen , the dentists , the vets , the lorry drivers , the bus drivers , the RETAIL WORKERS! and all the rest . I suppose christmas is only really magical when your little . It seems to take forever to get here and when it does your literally coutinf down the days , writing your list , being good ! I am looking forward to spending boxing day with the fam though . It's been too long since the Fletchers and Victorys got together !
Well thats my very festive blog about christmas ...
(okay ... hardly)
i will try and get into the spirit soon ... maybe i just need some mince pies or something .
lots of love
Sunday, 6 December 2009

I quite like Sundays . I've done nothing all day , other than eat and watch t4. My phone hates me though .
Last night was a strange one , it was annoying how i just managed to miss you .
Didn't enjoy paying a tenner for the taxi , especially as im the skintest person ever .
Out again with schuh tonight . Got a feeling it won't be very good , but you never know .
thats all to report for now .
happy sunday x
Saturday, 5 December 2009
i like it
when my spotify stops playing music and it says 'your account is being used elsewhere'
love abbie x
love abbie x
Friday, 4 December 2009
friday at last
So what was with the wicked cool shift i did today ? Everyone seemed bare happy to be getting their shoes . Maybe it's something to do with christmas spirit and all that . It seemed today , like it was the little things that made me smile . I opened a shoe box at work , nothing new there then , and there was a sticker inside that said 'packed by Dominic' and a little picture . Turns out Dominic is fit ! The little girl that followed me round the shop for ages , and wanted to come in the stock room too . Getting bullied by kieran , marc and dan .
Got some good bargins today . That new charity shop is well good in town ! could have easily spent a whole tenner haha .
it seems i have nothing interesting to say today . Not that i usually do , but i felt the need to update you .
lots of love A xxx ♥ ♥ ♥
Got some good bargins today . That new charity shop is well good in town ! could have easily spent a whole tenner haha .
it seems i have nothing interesting to say today . Not that i usually do , but i felt the need to update you .
lots of love A xxx ♥ ♥ ♥
'oh you like lil chris and daphne and celeste too?' - bet this is the first time you have been quoted in a blog .
Thursday, 3 December 2009
it really hit me hard
when Becca said nobody will be in Leicester next year . Get me out of here !! Aus anyone . Bring on the hardcore saving .
♥ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
♥ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ive just been reading through peoples blogs and they all seem very inspiring and full of big long words and have a meaning behind them . I realise mine is not like this but i guess it's not all about that . Maybe i should start getting deep on here ?! nah , forget that. I'm having fun at the minute and theres no need to get deep . I like expressing what i like and how i'm feeling in this way . Photographs mainly . Arn't they lovely?! Last night was good . Lost Becca for about an hour but i guess i made plenty of new friends . I met Jacob too . Feeling slightly worse for wear this morning and not looking forward to work , but ah well what can ya do ! Just read my sent messages from last night . Oh god awful!!
well anyway . happy thursday .
xxxxxx ♥
well anyway . happy thursday .
xxxxxx ♥
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
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